Life is hard. We all struggle with our own issues and life events, and everyone deals with these things differently. For those who have gone through it, it may not be surprising that separation, divorce, and custody disputes are ranked as some of the highest life...
Child Custody & Visitation
Kimye: For Better or Worse
The Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Divorce has been a hot topic for some time now. Two of Hollywood’s most rich and powerful are clashing heads in Court over their divorce, their assets, and their children. There is a new two-part documentary that goes over their...
How to Get the Most Out of Working with an Attorney
There are often points of disagreement or a moment in your case that stands out as to where it started to go downhill or instances where you wished you made a different decision or choice that could have changed the outcome of your entire matter. Below is a list of...
What is a No-Fault Divorce?
Divorce is an emotional and difficult process without taking into consideration different state laws that may be applicable. While very few states still have “at-fault” divorce, the majority now are “no-fault” states although that used to be quite different in the...
California Divorce Roadmap
Divorce can be an intimidating and frustrating process. Understandably, emotions are often very high, and it is easy to get overwhelmed. Knowing the different steps to your divorce, and what you can expect during those steps, can help assist you throughout this...
Confusion over Custody Terminology
Legal language and communication can fairly be referred to as “legalese” and even within the legal community itself, there can be common misuses of terminology, slang equivalent usages of terms or phrases, or just outright misnomers. A specifically confusing area of...
Divorce Parties are Trending!
Divorce Parties are the new big thing nowadays, and why not? You are entering a new chapter in life; might as well get there with a bang. These parties often are to celebrate getting through a dark time in your life and sometimes involve both parties of the new...
Advances in Technology and AI Impacts on your Family Law Case
I recently just heard about a case where social media played a huge part. At the 11th hour right before a custody and visitation hearing, one of the parties claimed domestic violence, delaying all proceedings. However, it was not the type of domestic violence you...
Pets in Family Law
I have been thinking about pets a lot lately because my family’s dog recently passed away. This was a devasting loss to our family because Rico was not “just a pet”. He was a very important part of our family, and we aren’t the same without him here with us. Life is...
Discovery & Hidden Information
It is often the case in all litigation and particularly Family Law litigation that there may be a party that has potentially less than truthful as what documents, information, or evidence they may have to support their positions. It is common especially where...