“Discovery” is the process of obtaining information for determining the applicable claims, defenses, and information which may be used in anticipation of trial. This can include serving requests for written responses from a particular party to the litigation to be...
Spousal Support
How to Prepare for a Divorce in the New Year
The holidays are often difficult to get through, especially if you are considering a divorce in the new year. If you are in this position, you are not alone. There are many people that stay together through the holidays with the plan of divorce in the new year. There...
Military Divorce: Explaining the “10-10” Rule
This is a topic which is fairly straightforward but after having a discussion with colleagues there is a large amount of misunderstanding which I hope to clarify as to the function and impact of the “10-10” rule for military servicemember's who are going through a...
How to Get the Most Out of Working with an Attorney
There are often points of disagreement or a moment in your case that stands out as to where it started to go downhill or instances where you wished you made a different decision or choice that could have changed the outcome of your entire matter. Below is a list of...
What is a No-Fault Divorce?
Divorce is an emotional and difficult process without taking into consideration different state laws that may be applicable. While very few states still have “at-fault” divorce, the majority now are “no-fault” states although that used to be quite different in the...
California Divorce Roadmap
Divorce can be an intimidating and frustrating process. Understandably, emotions are often very high, and it is easy to get overwhelmed. Knowing the different steps to your divorce, and what you can expect during those steps, can help assist you throughout this...
Divorce Parties are Trending!
Divorce Parties are the new big thing nowadays, and why not? You are entering a new chapter in life; might as well get there with a bang. These parties often are to celebrate getting through a dark time in your life and sometimes involve both parties of the new...
Discovery & Hidden Information
It is often the case in all litigation and particularly Family Law litigation that there may be a party that has potentially less than truthful as what documents, information, or evidence they may have to support their positions. It is common especially where...
Don’t Hide the Golden Ticket
As an attorney, I’m always looking for that one slam dunk piece of evidence a client can provide me to win their entire case. I can spend hours and hours brainstorming, digging through past pleadings, doing discovery, meeting and conferring with Opposing Counsel, and...
Avoid Burnout with Self Care
I recently did a continuing education class that focused on self-care to avoid the dreaded burn-out. What is burn-out you may ask? Job burnout is a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced...