I often say that clients hire counsel with similar personality types to themselves, but what exactly should you look for when searching for someone to represent you in what’s often the hardest season of your life? There are many qualities you want to keep your eye out...
Legal Events
Will I Get My Attorney Fees & Costs Back If I Win?
Family Law - Generally: I believe a good general “assumption” for family law is that the likelihood of full attorney fees and costs being awarded is generally not clear-cut even if the statute or specific issue allot for the requesting of those fees. For example,...
Young Thug & The Ex Parte Communication Controversy
What are Ex Parte communications? Ex Parte communications, pursuant to California Rule of Court 5.235, are defined as direct or indirect communication on the substance of a pending case without the knowledge, presence, or consent of all parties involved in the matter....
Keeping Your Cool When Things Heat Up
Life is hard. We all struggle with our own issues and life events, and everyone deals with these things differently. For those who have gone through it, it may not be surprising that separation, divorce, and custody disputes are ranked as some of the highest life...